Thursday, January 15, 2015

Occupier comes up with solution for a free economy (by: Ed Che)

  1. From Chicago and Detroit, a new way emerges which could provide the "things" and innovation of the future -- in a moneyless system which makes use of all of us. Welcome the Institute -- a moneyless way to combine research and expertise, bring folks into farming, as well as process basic items, or make the bulk of materials and resources available for makers the country over. We are a movement of idealistic and dis-enchanted with the system, those who have soldiered against threats and conspiracies, false flags and oppression. We rally now behind the banner of occupy and anonymous, and the USA, and hope for the authorities cooperation and system's respect as we develop the future.
  3. Many have expressed difficulties with the current system of capitalism, and its become apparent that the methods and incentives lead to some very destructive and less-than-optimal habits of human tendency. Indeed, history shows one of domination rather than cooperation, resource extraction rather than local use, inequality which leaves much of the world starving, and greedy motives which export industry rather than having them around. The problems, much of generations will be happy to hear, are not them - they are systemic. If that was a phase of the last few hundred years of our brief history on this planet, let's find a better system which saves those of future planets as well. Much of Occupy Wall Street has been coming up with an alternative, literally in the camps too, and finally through the hardships an occupier has come up with something to move towards. If we all imagine and work towards this, we can do it.
  5. This method involves full potential of a lot of the folks who have been somewhat lost in a vocation; involves expertise and full creativity in putting together the pieces which are commonly accessible. Works for cities and in the small towns of rural areas. Available resources become a boon rather than a hindrance, and we can create high quality pieces for others. Free moneyless makes it flow, and avoids much regulation as well. We can advocate for this institute-based system, and emerge examples.
  7. Farmers will be happy about the system, and if they have love in their hearts then will continue to cultivate fields and input their product to the institute. By joining, they and anyone would get the benefits of whatever anyone else within it makes; gaining access to free things at their door, meals/day or pantry delivery, free education, and freeing themselves from the treadmill of utility bills while advocating for larger changes on the municipal level. When things become community priorities, some of the older institutions like rent will become non-sensical, as it is about the other person.
  9. Services still maintain their vehicles, their expertise, and love of artisanship in craft. If they don't want to work, they don't have to. A "phone-a-friend" services book could volunteer information about what expertises someone has who's willing to offer.
  11. There's a large bulk of people who were born in the 1950s era, affectionately known as the "Baby boomers" in the United States. These folks are now entering their sixties, and would rather not experience an old age of applying for stuff, extreme scarcity, socialism, or watching their system crush the life out of the planet. Many who I have talked with agree that something has to be done. Let's build the free system for them: like a free Ihop or community center, and in doing so they will help us to transition. This seems to be the best way forward.
  13. Finally, there's the "long tail" of requests that are seemingly optional, but important in its uniqueness. For these more advanced but important requests, my proposal is to make a "loving-kindness web," which would accomodate these requests. This democratically matches community suggestions with what our true potential is: hackers and makers could figure out how to combine things in such a way to meet nearly any request. Things that are more popular requests get their "+1," and thus would be a unique local flavor of every town or city area. So that it's not just some b*tch making all the calls, requests could be weighted so that if you are willing to actually do something towards its manifestation, like have a yard to be planted or have a boat to offer towards getting those rare oyster mussels you want, then those requests would rise to the top of certain filters so that the creative thinkers and "mid-level managers" -> organizers that our country is so strong in right now could manifest to creatively and collaboratively build whatever it is.
  15. Together with these constructions, it is Ed Che's intention that this new system of the new age can match a quality of life similar to what EVERYONE is used to, while re-organizing lifestyle and our places we know and love. Certain things will just fall out as we, achieve the next level of our evolution. Technology will emerge to meet the requirements and facilitate the details of it being possible. Other than that, I hope that these emerge somewhat simultaneously as the twenty-somethings generation figures out with their friends what and how they are supposed to do it, and passionate and cause-oriented people take up an institute of something that's manageable. Free culture is already well-underway, with a vocabulary and a consciousness that allows a unity required. Join today, share this with those of your community, and let's make this happen.
  17. Ed Che

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