Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Paul Reverses Stance On Filibuster Syria Authorization

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Wednesday reversed his earlier comments suggesting he would filibuster a resolution authorizing military strikes in Syria.

"That would be a misinterpretation from the media," he said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, in response to a question from Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.)

He added: "What's not open to interpretation would be an event like now where we are discussing now for weeks at a time whether Congress should have to give the authorization," signaling that he wants Congress to vote on a potential strike quickly.

Paul had left the door open to a filibuster on an earlier conference call with reporters. "I can’t imagine that we won’t require 60 votes on this,” he said Tuesday. “Whether there’s an actual standing filibuster — I’ve got to check my shoes and check my ability to hold my water. And we will see. I haven’t made a decision on that."

Paul famously filibustered the nomination of CIA Director John Brennan for 13 hours in a protest over President Barack Obama's civil liberties policies. He is an outspoken opponent of American involvement in Syria.

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