Monday, April 9, 2012

Occupy's Plans to Take Down Bank of America (VIDEO)

As part of a “Spring Preview” back in late February, about fifty protesters stood in the rain during a teach-in at Bryant Park to hear Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi explain that if enough people pulled their money from Bank of America and stock prices dipped for more than a month, the bank would be “kaput.” (In classic Taibbi fashion, he also compared BoA selling bad mortgages to a dealer selling oregano as weed).

Taibbi’s lesson and companion Rolling Stone features about how Bank of America is able to currently exist only because of taxpayer bailout money ($45 billion in the initial bailout, plus trillions in emergency loans from the Federal Reserve), despite BoA being an admitted felon, resonated strongly with Occupy Wall Street activists.

It’s fairly impossible to speak with OWS activists without hearing Taibbi jargon about “vampire squids” or “raging hurricanes of theft and fraud,” so it makes sense that soon after his class at the spring preview, Occupy once again is making a major push to hold BoA accountable for its terrible behavior.

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