Monday, October 24, 2011

Rick Perry Answers Questions On Obama Birth Certificate (VIDEO)

Here's an excerpt of the subsequent exchange that went down on the birth certificate issue:

But you've seen his. I don't know. Have I?

You don't believe what's been released?
I don't know. I had dinner with Donald Trump the other night.

That came up.

Perry said that Trump doesn't believe the document released by the White House is "real." Asked if he agrees with the sentiment, the Lone Star State Republican said, "I don't have any idea. It doesn't matter. He's the president of the United States. He's elected. It's a distractive issue."


Action speaks louder than words - yup that's true, and I said it months ago. As far as the birth certificate, haven't they beat the drum enough regarding the president's birth certificate!? Really!!? No shame, I see - no shame.

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