Friday, December 17, 2010

FAA routinely misses airline inspection deadlines

Report demonstrates weaknesses in maintenance oversight program


Now I don't know about you the reader, but, last time I flew, I was quite frankly nervous. In fact, I'm not afraid to admit I was scared, at times. As I heard continuous creeks from the planes wing (that I believed) I wondered if anyone else on the plane shared my concerns. I also wondered if I was going to make it to my destination alive, lol. Either way, I believe that the matter is of deep concern and has been a problem for some time along with our infrastructure here in the U.S. The matter in my opinion, doesn't receive enough attention and is very urgent plus of high importance. However, maybe I'm overdoing it. My curiosity leads me to ask you the readers for opinions regarding this post. Have you ever had a bad or questionable flying experience? Do you think that more attention needs to be paid to the problems with airlines? How safe do you feel flying? Also, feel free to voice any other comments you may have regarding this issue. Thank you for the read and your opinion if you post it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I had no bad experience in flying except maybe before the plane takes off, like in the airport.. lol. Well, all i can say is your a bit PARANOID old man. Quit thinkin too much!!! hahahaha!! crazy old man.. :P <3


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